Attracting and Keeping Younger Adults

Webinar: “Attracting and Keeping Younger Adults”

When: Febuary 17, 2017 – 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM


Valerie Stafford-Mallis, Director of Chapter Development
Valerie Stafford-Mallis,
Director of Chapter Development

A recurring question HLAA chapter and state organization leaders ask is, “How can we get young people to come to our meetings? If we are able to get them in the door, they seem to come once or twice and then they don’t come back.”

It’s reasonable to assume that people decide to come to HLAA meetings because they are looking for something. Believe it or not, even in the age of ready availability of hearing loss information on the internet, not everything active young adults need in order to live well with their hearing loss can be found online.

In this webinar Valerie will share insights HLAA has learned from young adults with hearing loss about what they need. The webinar will offer suggestions about where to find active young adults with hearing loss, how to help them, and program ideas to get them to come back.  While we can’t guarantee that EVERY suggestion will work for EVERY chapter EVERY time, the odds are very good that at least some of them will help increase young adult participation  in chapter activities. Please make your plans to join us for a 40-45 minute presentation with 15-20 minutes of time allocated to discussion. The webinar will be captioned.