TED TALK: What you don’t know about hearing aids

Watch this!

For most of us, it is not a matter of if but when we will lose some of our hearing. Yet, we do not give hearing loss or hearing aids much thought until it happens to us or someone we love. It is then that we find out that hearing aids are incapable of restoring hearing to normal, especially in acoustically challenging situations.

The good news is that modern technology continues to bring us new, sometimes hidden, and often unknown features that can help those with hearing loss overcome more of their hearing challenges.

In this TED TALK,  Juliëtte Sterkens, AuD, an audiologist with forty years of experience in hearing rehabilitation turned consumer advocate with the Hearing Loss Association of America, clearly describes the challenges of hearing aids and what people with hearing loss can do to supplement their effectiveness.

HOPE for the HOLIDAYS! DEC 6th@6PM

Come join us as we gather via Zoom on to share our experiences and coping strategies for reducing stress and connecting better with our loved ones and friends to feel more joy during the holidays.
Gain comfort & knowledge in the company of others with hearing loss who understand firsthand how it feels.
Email us at hearatboston@gmail.com for meeting zoom link.



Ground-Breaking Documentary now on YouTube !


The groundbreaking documentary on hearing loss — ”We hear you, now hear us” — which won best disability film award in June 2021 at Cannes World Film Festival is now available on YouTube.

We Hear You features 4 women, each confronting stigmas, setbacks and successes, as they strive to live well despite the challenges of hearing loss. They share their stories in hopes of building awareness, community, and a more inclusive world.

Watch it (again) and send it to your friends.  Help grow awareness which can make the lives of all hearing impaired a little easier.

Participants Wanted for Research Study !

CliniContact is partnering with Harvard Medical School and working on a promising research study investigating premature age-related hearing loss affecting individuals between the ages of 40 and 65 to determine if these individuals have more genetic risk factors than people with typical onset hearing loss.

Participants for the study are currently being recruited with compensation offered for each visit.   Control participants are also needed in addition to children of those diagnosed with presbycusis.   Participants will earn up to $30 for a brief visit or $100 for completing the study.

Sign up is here:   https://mainpage.clinicontact.com/harvard_hearing_loss_research_study

CONTACT:  Tobin Marty  857-201-0415

CliniContact / 501 Boylston Street / Boston, MA 02116